Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Swim Team 2013

I was so excited this year.  Both boys are on swim team.  The Third Grader is actually excited about it this go 'round.  Middle Child is okay with it.  He can swim the length of the pool, but isn't excited about early mornings in cold water.

Yesterday was the first day.  They both did fantastic!  Not perfect, but I was proud.  The Third Grader swam two laps at a time and has moved up to the next level with all the other kids his age.  Middle Child got in the water and swam laps with his new team mates.

This is going to be a great summer!!  I get to hang out with my swim team moms again and drink my wine pool side from my adult sippy cup....

Well, as with most of my stories, you know where this is going...

Today I dropped off the boys and did not stay at the pool. 

My mistake.

I picked them up an hour later after enjoying my vanilla chai and a brief moment of quiet.

The Third Grader was having a blast.  After an hour in the cold water all the boys run to the shower and stand there until the hot water is gone.  He even took his towel in with him.  I didn't care because he was all smiles and was excited to tell me how he did the Butterfly stroke today.  That's a hard one.

Middle Child came over and was wrapped in a towel. 

"Hey, your towel is dry!  Thanks for not taking it in the shower!"


We got home and he looked at me and smiled...

"I didn't even get in the water today.  I just sat on the sun deck the whole time."

Jokes on him because I later found out he was messing around and tied the drawstring from his shorts to the fence and got stuck for a while. 
Maybe next time he'll get in the pool?


  1. "Jokes on him because I later found out he was messing around and tied the drawstring from his shorts to the fence and got stuck for a while."


    Now I can't get that image out of my head!

    1. He's such a joker. I asked him how long he was stuck..."I think seven minutes." Today he got to skip because there was duck poop in the pool so they cancelled.
