Saturday, June 8, 2013

Just Sit Right Back and You'll Hear a Tale...

Just sit right back and you'll hear a tale,
A tale of a fateful trip
That started from this tropic port
Aboard this tiny ship

Cue thunder and lightening...because I am not sure how to spell that particular sound effect.  Although, I can hear it perfectly in my head right now. 

Why am I singing the theme song from Gilligan's Island?  And, you are also probably thanking me for getting it stuck in your head.  You are welcome.

I LOVED Gilligan's Island when I was a kid.  I could not decide if I wanted to be Mary Ann or Ginger, because both ladies are so fabulous.  I had a huge crush on the Professor.  My husband laughs at this, but when I point out the other possible love interests on the island he understands.  Looking back, I do wonder how the Professor kept those white shoes and shirt so clean and those neatly pressed pants so crisp.  Now that I'm approaching forty, I may have to change my crush to Mr. Howell...he could buy me things.  I don't need a coconut phone, Professor.

Back to why I am on a Gilligan's Island kick. 

I get so tired of the kids watching Pokémon, Adventure Time (really we don't watch that much because I hate it), Gumball, or Jessie.  These shows are so fast paced and too mature.  Maybe I'm a prude.  So, while I was perusing the videos at the library, I ran across Gilligan's Island.

Wooohoooo!!!  Jackpot!

Seriously, I loved that show.  I can still remember sitting on the floor in my mom's living room eating vanilla wafers watching the episode in which they thought the island was haunted.  I know.  I'm exciting. 

Luckily, the kids love it too.  We've been through all of the DVDs the library owns.  They know the song by heart...who doesn't?!  And they all have their favorite character.  They all love Ginger.  For different reasons. 

I love hearing Middle Child 'talk' to Gilligan on the screen...

"No, Gilligan!!  Don't eat it!!!"

Of course, Gilligan eats it.  Oh Gilligan.

Listening to the show from the front seat of the van makes me in the heck did so many guest stars get on and off the island, but through a comedy of errors those poor castaways were stuck?  I heard Zsa Zsa Gabor from the driver's seat the other day!  She made it off the island!

I know I am over thinking it. 

I had the great idea that all five of us could be the castaways for Halloween this year.  Of course, how many other kids are going to understand that?  The Husband loved the idea, but I could not convince The Third Grader to be the Skipper.  Nor would Middle Child be his little buddy.  Party poopers.  Baby Girl was all about being The Movie Star though....of course.

We've moved on to "Leave It to Beaver".  It's not the hit that Gilligan was.  They say it's too boring.  I need to find more Gilligan DVDs.  Middle Child is particularly interested in finding the episode in which they get off the island.  He wants to see them get to Hawaii and make sure the Skipper gets his nice, juicy steak. 

Do your kids watch any of your favorite childhood tv shows?  Are they as awesome as you remember?  For me, Gilligan's Island kept its charm.  But, when I showed them The Dark Crystal, I was shocked at how cheesy it really was.  I'm sure they'll look back on some of their favorite shows with the same feeling.

Stay tuned to hear my review of Leave It to Beaver...


  1. Ah... My memories are clearest of the episode where the professor developed a "super glue" and Gilligan managed to totally screw the repairs to the ship...

    ...just like always.

    1. OH yes...I think he got stuck to the side of the boat!
