Monday, June 3, 2013

Menu Plan Monday

We've spent a lot of time at the pool lately and I'm trying to grill as much as possible!  Soon I'll post our dinner from last week and how I grilled pizza.  I surprised myself.  There is more to grilling than hamburgers and hotdogs!

Grilled Shrimp Tacos with Avocados
Steak, Grilled Fish, Swiss Chard with Hot Bacon Dressing (recipe below) and Salad
Turkey Burgers, Baked Beans and Salad
Pizza, Salad, and Fruit
Sloppy Joes, Peas and Carrots

Our family loves olive oil.  I use it to cook, make homemade salad dressing, and to moisturize my skin...we love it.  When I BzzAgent asked me if I'd like to try Filippo Berio Olive Oil, I was super excited. 

Tonight we made swiss chard and I started out making a salad dressing, but decided to get crazy and throw it on the chard while it was cooking.  Then, I made more dressing for the actual salad. Both turned out delicious. 

Here is how I did it:

Fry three slices of bacon.  Crumble the bacon and add chopped chard to the pan.  Saute chard until tender (not too tender...I like a little crispy taste.)  Add the dressing (see below) and mix well.  Serve warm.

2 parts olive oil
1 part red wine vinegar
1 tsp dark mustard (We change it up and use all different kinds.  This time it had champagne in it)
1/2 tsp honey

You can use the same dressing for the salad.  I also like to add 1-2 cloves finely minced garlic to the dressing for a raw salad. 


Make sure you check out Menu Plan Monday at the Organizing Junkie for hundreds more menu plans!

Note:  I am a BzzAgent and get to try free products in return for my time reviewing them.  All opinions are my own.

1 comment:

  1. Mmm..I haven't had Swiss Chard in years.
    Everything looks so delicious. Have a wonderful week.
