Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Menu Plan Monday

Memorial Day weekend got the best of me.  This morning there was no bread or milk in the house.  So, we had donuts from the coffee shop.  The kids were happy. 

After that, I made a menu plan and hit the grocery.  I only took one kid with me.  I heard a little voice behind me yelling "Wait!  Wait!  I'm stuck!"  I ignored him because he's such a joker sometimes.  Finally, I looked back and found this...

Of course, I said "Wait!  Let me get a picture!  Smile!"

He's a good sport. 

Then I pulled him out of the paper towels.

So, back to the menu plan.  Here it is!

Sliders on the grill (again.  They love them) with Mac and Cheese and Baked Beans
Grilled Shrimp (again.  A big hit last week and super easy) with Corn and Salad
Fish on the grill (sensing a pattern?  We fixed the grill) with Green Beans and Salad
BBQ Pork in the Slow Cooker with Peas and Chard
Sweat and Sour Meatballs in the Slow Cooker Over Rice

In case you are wondering about the 'super easy' shrimp...I put the shrimp on skewers, squeeze lemon juice and melted butter over them and sprinkled with whatever herbs I had handy.  That is all.  The Third Grader ate two skewers. 

Make sure you check out Menu Plan Monday at the Organizing Junkie's site, even though it's no longer Monday.  Maybe you are late with your menu plan too!

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