Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Menu Plan Monday

It is not Monday, but this is a menu plan. 

It's the last week of school!  Woo hoo!  Call me crazy, but I like it when the kids are out of school.  No more homework, no more packing lunches, no more bus to catch...which we missed this morning, by the way.

This week we are doing lots of grilling thanks to the Husband.  Our grill was not in the best of shape...

There is nothing fancy this week and no links.  But, maybe it will give you a great idea to kick of your summer menu!

Grilled Sliders, Kale Chips with Parmesan Cheese, Mac and Cheese and Buttered Squash
Tilapia Tacos, Black Beans and Salad
Homemade Cheese Pizza and Salad
Grilled Fish and Shrimp with Butter and Herbs, Ranch Green Beans and Potatoes
Grilled Chicken, Fresh Broccoli, and Kale Chips

There's a lot of grillin' going on!

Make sure you check out Menu Plan Monday at The Organizing Junkie for tons more menu plans!

Happy menu planning!


  1. Mmmm...grilled fish and shrimp with butter and herbs sounds delicious.

    1. The shrimp turned out awesome! I put it on kabobs, drizzled some lemon over it, brushed with butter, then sprinkled a mix of spices on them. Of course, half way through grilling, the grill went out!! So, I broiled them the rest of the way. Still good!! Thanks for reading!
