Friday, May 17, 2013

Portabello Mushroom Pizza

Tonight we left our planned menu behind and tried something new.  After shopping at our produce co-op today and scoring some portabello mushrooms for less than .75 each, I created a portabello mushroom pizza.  It was super easy and The Third Grader wants me to make it again for breakfast tomorrow.

  • portabello mushroom
  • tomato sauce (I was all out and just used squirt of ketchup)
  • mozzerella cheese
  • dried or fresh basil
  • fresh minced garlic

I did not measure ingredients.  Just use what you like.  We love garlic, so for four pizzas, I minced four cloves of garlic.  I shredded enough mozzerella to cover each pizza and sprinkled them each with dried basil. 

To cook:
Remove the stems of each mushroom and wash the mushroom.  Bake the mushrooms on parchment paper for five minutes at 375 degrees.  Spoon a small amount of ketchup or tomato sauce (or even pasta sauce) on each mushroom, cover in mozzerella cheese, sprinkle with garlic and basil, and bake at 375 until melted.


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