Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Trying to be Green

I try to be green. 

Green as in reduce, reuse, and recycle.  We fill up both of our recycling bins each week.  Which, after typing that, actually sounds pretty wasteful.  But, better recycled than in the landfill.  I save all of the kids letters and worksheets from school and use the backs for scrap paper.  I try to decorate old containers and make them into something new for storage.  And, recently, I decided to venture into cloth napkins.  I saw some on clearance at Bed Bath and Beyond so I snatched up ten.  I also commissioned a friend to make some for me from some pretty fabric I found at Walmart. 

What did my kids think of this?  You would think they had never seen a 'fancy' napkin before.  What a bunch of hillbillies.  Look, I'm an old lady!!  Mine's a bandanna.  Hmmmm, can I fold this into a fan?  Hey, I don't have any eyes!  Bahahahahahaha!

It was like watching Jodi Foster in Nell.  That napkin was anywhere but their laps or or mouths.  Let's bring some class to dinner time folks!  I've heard it takes three days to form a habit.  I have a feeling it's going to take a little longer around here...

1 comment:

  1. 3 days???? I heard it takes 3 WEEKS - keep at it!
