Monday, January 21, 2013

Cinderella: The Unanswered Questions

My mom bought Baby Girl a Cinderella DVD for Christmas.  Baby Girl is a princess through and through.  She was born with two brothers and not a shred of pink in sight.  There were no girly things in our house.  Only brown, blue, trucks and dinosaurs.  She turned that world right on its butt with the wave of her sparkly wand and the swish of her pink purse.  Her nails are always polished, her hair always in a bow and 99% of the time there's always a tutu on her behind.  So, Cinderella is one of her most favorite movies.

We watch it a lot.

I hear a lot of questions.

Why are those girls fighting? 

Why can't they share the dress?

Why don't they like her?

It's all about those ugly stepsisters.  And, I try not to say "Because they are UGLY and they are jealous!!"  I really don't know why I hold back.  Because, they are pretty unattractive.  But, I try not to name call.  While I am answering all of her questions, I actually have a couple of my own...and some comments.

Why the glass slipper?  That's just dangerous!  As we can see in the end, it shatters pretty easily. Why risk running around with a shoe full of blood??  Why not a nice peep toe?  Or satin heel?  A ballet flat?

How is running all over the kingdom letting all the single ladies try on one glass slipper really going to locate that one special gal who stole the prince's heart?  Is the size really that unique?  Unless it's my shoe (11 1/2 by the way), I think you're going to find a lot of ladies that can wear it.

Nice touch naming the cat Lucifer.  Clever.

The name Drizella reminds me of snot.  Or a cold medicine.  That's not a question...just my thoughts. You're welcome.

I love Cinderella.  Out of all of the princesses, she is my absolute favorite.  Why?  I love her blue dress.  I love her up-do.  She's got an awesome castle in the end.  She even looks cute in that scullery maid get up.  She personifies one of my favorite mottos "Modest is hottest" by not showing all of the skin that Ariel does.  I just love her. But, when you listen to a DVD 842 times driving around town in a mini van, some questions just beg to be answered.

If you have an answer, or a thought, please let me know.  Or maybe you have questions.  We can help each other!  Like, why is four year old Caillou still bald?  Why is his dad such a girl?  Why is Team Rocket on Pokemon so darn annoying?  Their names are Jessie and James?  Really?  And, who else was heartbroken when Greg left the Wiggles?  Why do I like the Fresh Beat Band so much? 

Why do I get so involved in cartoons?  I told you...I gave up my glamorous life to do this and I love every minute of it! 

Well, almost every minute.  The minutes not filled with whiny bald cartoon characters and freakishly thin super heroes.  But, even they make it entertaining, so I'm not complaining. 


  1. For the record I, too, was heartbroken when Greg left the Wiggles. He is clearly the most talented of the bunch and I loved his hairy chest ;)

    1. He sang a song about going on "Holiday" on an old VHS tape we had. I have to admit that I rewound it quite a bit and watched it many times...and pretended he was singing only to me. If you like Greg, check out "Twist" on The Fresh Beat Band ;)
