Monday, January 28, 2013

Menu Plan Monday

Here is a quick look at our menu this week!  I found lots of good stuff on Pinterest.  I am trying very hard to incorporate more vegetables and made a run to our vegetable co-op this week for lots of greens and fruit.  If you haven't already seen it, check out this delicious spaghetti squash with sauteed vegetables I made this weekend, that made an awesome meal right at 100 calories!

Here is our week:

Baked Garlic Brown Sugar Chicken, Applesauce and Sauteed Vegetables (Squash, Zucchini, Mushrooms)
Marinated Ranch Broiled Chicken, Mac and Cheese, Roasted Broccoli
Steak, Green Salad and Baked Potatoes
Spaghetti Squash and Meat Sauce with Salad
Brown Sugar and Balsamic Glazed Pork Loin, Carrots and Hummus, Baked Potatoes

Greek Chicken, Quinoa and Salad
If you need more ideas, make sure you check out Menu Plan Monday at Organizing Junkie.  There are hundreds of other menu plans lists from all over the country!
Happy menu planning!

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