Friday, November 30, 2012

Going to the Car Wash, Yeah!

You would think a trip to the car wash would be  My kids love to go to the car wash.  They love watching the van go through the wash...noses and hands pressed to the giant glass window watching the enormous brushes swish away the dirt and grime of the road.  Their gazes transfixed on the powerful blowers drying the cars.

We went to the car wash today.  There are other reasons they love to go.

I won't reveal that yet.

When we first walked in the door, Middle Child screamed "Look!  They decorated!" 

I didn't argue with him that some skinny, crooked, chewed up garland and a tree that looks like a bottle cleaner brush does not a decoration make...let the kid enjoy the Christmas spirit.

Now, for the real reason they he loves the car wash...

"Can I look at the cards?!" 

The greeting cards at the car wash are a tad inappropriate for the under 13 crowd.  First of all, who buys their greeting cards at the car wash?  A man who is on his way to a party and while washing his smooth ride realizes he needs a card for said party/celebration.  That is who buys their greeting cards at a car wash. 

If you decide to buy a card, here's the type from which you may choose...

"You make me so happy"

The inside reads "My cups runneth over."  So witty.  I am clearly in the wrong line of work. 

This is one of the milder cards.  There is also one featuring a busty lady blowing up a hot dog shaped balloon while sitting on Santa's lap.  I promise you I get my car washed in the good end of town. 

My kids find these cards hilarious in a crazy, taboo sense.  Possibly because there are not a lot of booby pics laying around our house.  Wait.  There are NO booby pics laying around our house.  Or any other houses they visit.  So, this is crazy funny and belly laughing hilarious to them.  They swarm around that card rack like ants on honey.

I try to drag them away and keep their eyes covered.

"Look at the van!!  It's covered in soap!  Two and blue!  Craziness, I tell ya!" 

"Hey, check it out...the giant brushes are swirling away the dirt like magic!!  Unbelievable!"

"Kids!!  They are bringing out the teeny tiny men that clean the wheels!  Come look now!"


Then they spotted the gumball machine...filled with gumballs as old as me that are only half covered in candy coating because in the years they've spent in the machine, the coating has flaked off in chunks.  I have no change that I am willing to spend on ancient candy that I'm going to pay for later in the dentist office.

On to the vehicle pick up area.

Fascinated by something other than greeting cards...

And then our car was clean.


A clean car is a beautiful thing.  Two kids getting into a clean car is a scary thing. 

I hope to enjoy it as long as possible.  I'll keep you posted.

In the mean time.  Keep your kids and husbands out of the car wash!

Hey, while you are here, check out my children's book giveaway!  Trust me.  It's nothing like these cards.  Super cute and illustrated by kids!

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