Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Menu Plan Monday

Holy crap it's Wednesday!  I do have a menu, but just didn't post yet.  So, quickly, here it is!

Girl Scout Stew (Alphabet soup with ground beef...sounds strange but the kids love it!)
Tacos and Beans
Skillet Chicken, Salad and Quinoa
Turkey Burgers, Corn and Spinach
Beef Stew and Sandwiches

That is all.  Short and brief.  I've been busy making scarves, ponchos, fingerless mittens and more!  Check out my etsy shop to see how that's going.  Maybe you need a Christmas present?  It's the box to the right -------------> 

Make sure you check out The Organizing Junkie's Menu Plan Monday post.  I love to peruse other blogs for great menu ideas.  Happy menu planning!

1 comment:

  1. MPM definitely keeps me on track. I actually look forward to Mondays!
    You're fringed t-shirt scarves are very pretty and unique. I'll have to pin 'em.
    Your menu plan looks delicious.
    Have a wonderful week!
