Sunday, July 14, 2013

Coca Cola Swelter Stopper at Kings Island

Friday we had our first trip to Kings seven years.  But, this was the first trip ever for The Middle Child and Baby Girl, and I'm sure The Fourth Grader did not remember when he visited seven years ago. 

It was a great day, but it was hot.  Luckily, we got to check out the Coca-Cola Swelter Stopper thanks to the great folks at Coca Cola, who also let us check out the park on them that day!

The Swelter Stopper is an awesome truck parked in Kings Island's Soak City that has energy packed dance music, interactive games, free Coca Cola, giveaways and more!  The air conditioning is cranked up so you can cool off while enjoying the park, and the music is loud! 

We needed that AC after spending half the day in the park before checking out the truck.

Check out the game The Fourth Grader and his friend Hip Hop Boy played in the Swelter Stopper truck...

Later they showed off their dance moves a la the Harlem Shake.  It was quite a spectacle.  Glad no one was hurt. 
The only thing that hurt were my feet at the end of the night.  We walked over seven miles riding rides and wandering around the park.  We checked out the coasters, Eiffel Tower, water rides and more.  Look who begged me to take her to the top of the Eiffel Tower...

And we rode the Merry-Go-Round four times!
She's crazy, I tell ya'. 
Her brother was a little more cautious...this was the look on his face after I told him to hang on tight because White Water Canyon might get a little wild, especially at the part where the boat lifts out of the water.  I'm such a bad mom.


But, really, look at those smiles!  We had a blast and thank Coca-Cola and their Swelter Stopper for making it happen.  Today is the last day you can check out the Swelter Stopper in Soak City, so don't miss it!

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