Sunday, August 4, 2013

Menu Plan Monday with Roasted Chicken and Black Bean Enchiladas

We just got back from vacation, and I feel like Michael Scott from The Office when he wore his little braid and played the steel drums in the office.  I want to bring my vacation home with me!  I'm still on the beach in my mind. 

But, back to reality, school supply shopping and menu planning. 

While on vacation, I pinned lots of new recipes onto both my Food and Mouthwatering Recipes boards on Pinterest.  Don't miss the Mouthwatering Recipes Board because it is a collaborative board with Family Friendly Cincinnati and has tons of recipe ideas!

Here's what we are having this week:

Hamburgers, Mac and Cheese and Chard
Stir Fry Steak with Cucumber Salad
Cheesy Honey Mustard Chicken and Carrots with Butter
Roasted Herb Chicken, Homemade Dumplings and Summer Squash

Make sure you check out the Organizing Junkie's Menu Plan Monday for hundreds of other menu plans. 

Happy menu planning!


  1. Don't you just hate eating the same thing everyday? I know I certainly do.
    This is a wonderful time of year when many bloggers are sharing their summer harvest.
    My husband and I will be heading to the farmers market in a couple of weeks. He actually wants to try his hand at making pickles. It should be fun for both of us.
    Have a delicious week.

    1. Keep me posted on the pickles! The only thing I've ventured into has been strawberry freezer jam. We've been getting some great veggies from our farm share. A LOT of cucumbers lately! Thanks for reading!! And, good luck with those pickles!
