Monday, July 1, 2013

Moksha Yoga: Giveaway Coming Soon!

I love yoga...especially hot yoga. 

Photo Credit Moksha Yoga Website with permission
What is hot yoga, you might ask?  Hot yoga is a series of yoga poses, flows and stretches that takes place in a heated, humid room.  The heat and humidity allow your body to relax more and stretch further.  During the first few sessions, you may feel a little anxious, because of the heat, but, trust me, it is addictive.

Why do I love it?

I've always enjoyed yoga.  When I found Moksha Yoga, a studio dedicated to yoga, I was excited.  I had taken classes at the gym, but it is not the same as taking a class from a yogi who has been trained specifically in this art.  Plus, the entire studio is peaceful, relaxing and 'green'.  The facility is energy efficient, uses green cleaning products and makes use of many recycled materials. 

It is very different than walking off the weight room floor, or cardio theater, into a tiled exercise room to do yoga to new age music with strains of gym music in the background. 

Attending a class at Moksha Yoga is a peaceful and rejuvenating experience from the moment you walk in the door and take off your shoes to the final 'Savasana' of your practice.

Photo Credit Moksha Yoga Website with permission
According to Moksha Yoga Northern Kentucky, hot Moksha yoga "stretches, strengthens and tones the muscles while detoxifying the body and calming the mind." 

I started with a class once a week and even that 75 minutes left my mind feeling calmer through out the week and my body leaner.  Trust me.  I have three crazy kids.  That yoga class helped keep me sane!  The hot class is also fantastic for your skin.

Moksha Yoga also offers classes for kids and expectant mothers.  Check out the different types of classes and corresponding schedules on the Moksha Yoga Northern Kentucky or Cincinnati websites. 

Speaking of kids, my younger two (ages 6 and 4) loved the kids class.  They learned basic poses while I attended an hour long yoga class in the next room.  My 6 year old even stopped in the parking lot after to lay on the sidewalk and show me his favorite pose. 

The two locations, Northern Kentucky at 2428 High Street off Buttermilk Pike, and Cincinnati at 3527 Columbia Parkway, offer a variety of classes, some of which include:
  • glow in the dark yoga
  • hot yoga
  • prenatal yoga
  • yoga with music
  • kids yoga
  • non-heated yoga
  • Ashtanga/Vinyasa

Photo Credit Moksha Yoga Website with permission
Plan to arrive 15 minutes before class starts and make sure you are hydrated!  You should bring a water bottle as well. 

Check out either Moksha Yoga location website for a list of wait to bring and what to expect from class.

Are you as excited about yoga as I am?  Then, you are in luck.  The wonderful folks at Moksha Yoga are offering a free month of yoga for one adult and one child (as a package deal) for one lucky reader of I'm Living the Good Life.  That means, if you win, you (the adult, obviously) could go to yoga classes as often as you want for one month.  You could go every day!  You could do the 30 day challenge!  And, you can take one child with you to the kids classes for that entire month.

Keep reading because that giveaway is coming later this week!  In the mean time, check out the Moksha Yoga facebook page to stay up to date on activities.


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