Monday, July 22, 2013

Menu Plan Monday With Red Gold Tomatoes, Pot Roast, Ranch Green Beans and Burgers

Delicious Red Gold Caribbean Chicken Burgers and Kale Chips
I am so excited that we have a lot of summer vegetables from our farm share this week!  Because I was late on the menu plan, I can actually share them with you.  Usually I make my 'side items menu plan' on Monday, and I like to post my menu plan on Sunday.  But, here it is:
Grilled Tilapia, Summer Squash with Butter and Peas

Caribbean Chicken Burgers (thanks to Red Gold Tomatoes), Kale Chips and Wild Rice

Red Gold Burgers, Roasted Sweet Potatoes and Ranch Green Beans (recipe below)

Slow Cooker Pot Roast and Grilled Cheese

Steak and Broccoli Stir Fry with Cucumber Salad and Quinoa

You'll notice a couple of items made with Red Gold Tomatoes.  The folks at Red Gold sent me several varieties of canned tomatoes to try, a jalapeno ketchup and an apron.  Good news for readers because I also have an apron to give away!  Stay tuned for that giveaway.  In the meantime, check out their facebook page (links above) and Pinterest page for lots of recipes. 

The Pot Roast we made this week came from an envelope at Kroger.  It was nothing fancy, but it was delicious.  I cannot even remember the name of it, but it looked like it came from 1970 and said "New!  For the Slow Cooker!" or something similar.  I just added stew meat, onions, peas, carrots, celery, potatoes, turnips (yes, turnips!) and some basil leaves. 

If you want to get a little fancier, check out my husband's Beef Bourguignon recipe!  Also, with an envelope of seasoning and pretty easy to make.  It just sounds fancy. 

And, what about those Ranch Green Beans?  Here's the scoop:

- 1 bunch of fresh green beans (or a small bag of frozen)
- 1 Tablespoon Butter
- 4 slices of bacon
- 1/2 packet of ranch style salad dressing mix

Sautee the green beans in the butter.  At the same time, fry the bacon (you can microwave it...I don't use the grease in this recipe).  Crumble the bacon and mix it with the green beans as they cook.  Sprinkle with ranch dressing mix and toss.  Serve warm.

Don't miss Organizing Junkie's Menu Plan Monday for tons of other menu plans. 

Happy menu planning!


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