Friday, June 28, 2013

Different Spin on Plain Old Peanut Butter and Jelly

I am a BzzAgent.

Doesn't that sound important?

It is!  And, it's fun.  I get to try all kinds of cool stuff. 

In the process of trying new things, sometimes I create new things or learn new things. 

Right now we are trying several Kroger Private Selection goodies.  One of which is their Private Selection All Natural Preserves.

I took The Third Grader to the store and let him pick which variety he wanted from the shelf.

"Oh, oh, pick blueberry!"

"Hmmmmm, I do like raspberry and blackberry."

"Ahhh, those have seeds!  Don't get those!"

We ended up with Wild Maine Blueberry.  I guess I kind of influenced him.  But, he did love it.  And so do the rest of the kids. 

Baby Girl and The Third Grader like their preserves on bread with peanut butter.

The Middle Child likes his on bread alone.

I enjoyed mine with sunflower seed butter and sunflowers for extra crunch on bread.

What is your favorite sandwich?
I am a BzzAgent and get to try products and share discounts in exchange for my review.


  1. I love blueberry anything...need to try this!

  2. Seriously, it's awesome. We have had the jar almost a week and it's empty now!
