Sunday, March 17, 2013

Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Presents DRAGONS Recap

We had a blast at Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Presents DRAGONS Thursday night. 

If you haven't had a chance to see it yet, it's a great family fun time!  There is one last performance today, Sunday March 17th, at 5:00.

We got there early and spent some time under the big top with the performers. 

Three circus moms came onto the floor and told us about life on the road.  Did you know they have a nursery for the children of the performers?  They home school and learn about the city in which they are touring.

When asked if the kids enjoy being on the road, the resounding answer was 'Yes!  They love it!" 

After talking to some of the moms, we met a lot of clowns (I already knew the one in this picture...we brought him with us) and an elephant.  We watched the elephant paint a picture and a lucky circus goer won the painting during the show.

The action during the show was non-stop and certainly exciting.  There were many moments when even I was when two ladies hung from their hair and did spins in the air. 


Or when eight motorcycles did tricks at the same time in a steel ball. 

That's a tight squeeze!

Did you enjoy the show?  If so, leave a comment! 

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