Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Menu Plan Monday

Last weekend we went to Red Robin for dinner.  Trying to be healthy, I ordered the vegetable and hummus appetizer.   It featured cucumbers, carrots, grilled zucchini, toasted pita bread and jicama.
Have you heard of jicama? 
Not Jigh-Cama. 
It’s pronounced Hick-ama.  Or, hee-kuh-muh, per Dictionary.com.
I had heard of it but had no idea what it looked like.  It came out of the kitchen in sticks and looked like raw French fries.  It had a crisp, crunchy texture with a high water content and not much taste.  Kind of like thicker water chestnuts, but better.  Mostly, it brought out the flavor of the hummus, which was delicious, but I did taste a tad of sweetness.  The Third Grader loved it so I bought some this week and will be making hummus to go with it.  Watch for that post and recipe later this week.

Here is our menu for the week. 

Girl Scout Stew and Grilled Cheese

Stir Fry Vegetables and Chicken with Quinoa

Spaghetti and Meat Sauce with Salad

Fish Sticks and Salad (hey, I had a night out...do you blame me?)

Make sure you check out Menu Plan Monday on OrganizingJunkie for hundreds of other menu plans.  And keep reading I’m Living the Good Life because this week I’ll have a giveaway for Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus
One last thing....
For Valentine's Day, send your loved one a 'kiss' on Puffs Tissues facebook page.  For every kiss sent, they donate $1 to Dress for Success!  I got to hang out with some of the ladies from both Puffs Tissues and Dress for Success at High Five Salon in Cincinnati tonight.  What a great bunch of ladies!  We had some wine, delicious desserts and I got a great hair cut from Ashley at High Five Salon
I got crazy and even went purple!!  No, not really.  That's just my stone aged camera phone.  But, Ashley did a fantastic job and I had a great night.  Make sure you send your 'kiss'!

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