Friday, January 11, 2013

Hand Me Downs

I am cheap thrifty.  I recycle.  I am always open to making money through odd jobs.  Poor Middle Child always gets to experience the wrath of my cost cutting first hand.  The boy rarely gets new clothing or school supplies.  In fact, he was 6 months old on his first Christmas and I just wrapped up some of The Third Grader's old baby toys to regift.  No, I am not joking.  Do you really think he called me on it?  Do not judge.  You'll be there one day. 

The other day as I took him to preschool, I noticed that his University of Kentucky coat was getting too small....

I must digress for a minute.  I went to the University of Louisville.  Although I am not a huge sports fan, I do love my alma mater.  So, if you understand anything at all about the huge, ginormous, gargantuan rivalry between these two schools, just this little portion of the story illustrates my love of thrift.  I am such a traitor.

Back to the story.  I noticed his coat was getting small.  Also the zipper was broken.  Then I saw one of his classmates wearing a crisp, clean, brightly colored coat that was a perfect fit.  It was beautiful.  After I stopped daydreaming about his fancy outerwear, I realized that this, combined with the fact that Middle Child's lunch was packed in a Kroger bag that day because I couldn't find his hand-me-down lunch box, did not make make us look like the classiest family.  Also, he needed a hair cut.   We are obviously on a slippery slope.

In keeping with my classy theme, I went to Walmart...and bought Middle Child a new coat and a new lunch box.  Brand new.  No one has ever used either before.  I took them to school and gave them to him when I picked him up from class.  His smile was bigger than it was on Christmas morning.

Middle Child:  Did anyone else get a lunch box?

Me:  No.  Just you.

Middle Child:  Can I use it next year in kindergarten?

Me:  Of course.  (I love being thrifty!)

Middle Child:  Can I take it to work with me when I'm a man?

Me:  Absolutely!

It is my dream to see him wearing a suit and carrying a Mario lunchbox.  I'll be sure to repost about that.  With pictures. 

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