Thursday, June 27, 2013

What To Do With Farm Fresh Greens

We have been enjoying lots of fresh greens from our farm share the last two weeks.  However, there are only so many salads I can make.  I love experimenting and adding new things to salad, such as turnips, but I am finding new ways to prepare these greens.

Some of the greens we've received are Swiss chard, arugula, mizuna, red lettuce, green lettuce and kale.  Last night I scrambled eggs, tossed in the mizuna, and added black beans  to make soft tacos.  Delicious!

Tonight I stir fried the Swiss chard and turnip greens.  Never in my life have I eaten or prepared turnip greens, but I like the idea of using every thing we receive from our share.  Here is the recipe.

  • 1 bunch Swiss chard
  • 1 small bunch turnip greens
  • 1 can white kidney beans
  • 3 cloves garlic, minced
  • Juice of half a lemon
  • 1 tablespoon butter
  • Salt, pepper and parmesan cheese to taste
  • Red pepper flakes optional

Cook the garlic in one tablespoon butter until golden.  Be careful not to burn.  Add the greens and stir fry until slightly wilted.  Add rinsed beans and squeeze in the lemon.  Add a sprinkle of salt and pepper.  Serve with a small spoonful of parmesan cheese.  I also added a pinch of red pepper flakes to my serving.

The beans add a nice 'meaty' texture to the crunchy feel of the chard.  I did use the stems to add to the crunch!  I would try this recipe with any mix of leafy greens, not just chard and turnip greens.  You may try spinach or whatever you have on hand.


How are you using your vegetables this summer?

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