Sunday, June 23, 2013

Menu Plan Monday: Using Our Farm Vegetables and Greens

We have been working on a can read about how my city slicker suburban kids are enjoying the experience in this post.  They are actually learning more than they realize and I am too.  Today The Third Grader told me that plants convert water to sugar for energy.  Really?  Huh...yay for our public schools!

Washing radishes and turnips
I am discovering ways to incorporate our vegetable share into our weekly menu plan and not waste anything.  Last week was our first installment and we received:

Delicious salad with our CSA radishes and various lettuce. 
~ green lettuce
~ red lettuce
~ Swiss chard
~ mizuna greens
~ arugula greens
~ radishes
~ hakurei turnips

When I heard we were getting turnips, I thought, ew, turnips.  All I could think of was the time my mom made 'mashed potatoes' but they were really mashed turnips loaded with butter and salt.  They were the grossest mashed potatoes I'd ever tasted. 

The turnips we harvested are small white vegetables the size of ping pong balls that have a much milder taste and are actually better raw---salad turnips!  We ate them sliced with buttermilk ranch dip and hummus.  The kids even liked them, along with the radishes.  I was surprised too! 

Last week we had lots of salads, raw vegetables and dip, sautéed chard and loaded up sandwiches with lots of greens.  I am not sure of everything we are getting for this week, but here is the plan for main courses:

Grilled Marinated Chicken on Skewers (marinate with olive oil and crushed garlic)

Egg and Black Bean Soft Tacos

The World's Best Chicken (this was a hit last week)

Slow Cooker Chicken Philly Sandwiches (because we did not get to them last week!)

Grilled Tilapia Brushed with Melted Butter and Lemon Sauce

Make sure you check out the hundreds of other menu plans on the Organizing Junkie's Menu Plan Monday

What are you having for dinner this week? 


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