Sunday, May 5, 2013

Menu Plan Monday

How was your weekend?  It was a big one for us.  We celebrated Free Comic Book Day by perusing the stacks at Comic Book World and picking out some great new selections.  Then we headed to our local library and loaded up on some graphic novels for the boys and princess books for Baby Girl...we even got library cards for the younger two.  Then, the best part, we celebrated the Kentucky Derby.  See how that worked out for us here.

Now we are getting ready for the week.  Here is our menu plan!

Brown Sugar Slow Cooker Ham and Green Beans
Keep It Clean Tilapia in Tacos and Asian Slaw
Roasted Sausage, Peppers and Potatoes
Bean Soup and Cornbread

Make sure you check out Organizing Junkie's Menu Plan Monday for hundreds of other menu plans with links. 

Happy menu planning!

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