Monday, May 13, 2013

BzzAgent: Private Selection Upside Down Cake

Tonight, we had a long night at soccer.  It was a hard night.  It was draining.  It was tiring. 

And, that was just me sitting on the sidelines with a four-year old.  Whew. 

Things starting looking up when I remembered my BzzAgent Private Selection Double Chocolate Molten Upside Down Cake.  Sounds good, doesn't it?  I just bought it today from Kroger and was excited to try it. 

And then I remembered I had ice cream too.  Yay!

When we got home I flipped over the box to see how to prepare my delicious dessert.  You could bake it in the oven for 14-15 minutes or microwave it for 2-3 minutes.  I was in no mood to wait.  I went for the microwave. 

It was super easy:
  • Microwave 2-3 minutes.
  • Let sit for a few minutes.
  • Flip over onto a plate and remove the covering paper.
We had ours with ice cream and it was just what I needed after taking three kids to soccer practice.

Do you think the kids loved it?


And yes!
They did.

It's a little more expensive, at $9.99, than other cakes, but it is delicious.  You could even dress up the plain chocolate cake with nuts or fruit.  But, tonight I had no patience for that. 

If you'd like to try one, there are three varieties available---Honey Amber Apple Spice, German Chocolate Fudge, and Double Chocolate Molten---and they are available at Kroger in the deli area frozen cake case.  I got the last one at my Kroger today! 


Disclaimer:  I am a BzzAgent and get to try new products and provide a review in exchange for coupons, discounts and free products.  Rest assured all opinions are my own.

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