Sunday, March 3, 2013

Menu Plan Monday

I've started reading Wheat Belly and I just can't get on board.  That's a lot of stuff to cut.  I eat oatmeal every morning!  And, I'm talking real oatmeal...not those sugary little packets.  Of course, as I type this I just polished off some Mike Sell's Oven Baked Puffcorn Delites Cinnamon for a giveaway on that soon.  Like every diet or new health article I read, I'll take something from it, but not go whole hog.  We already try to avoid a lot of processed foods and eat a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables. 

This week I get to try Dream Dinners for the first time!  Everything on the menu looked delicious, but I had to narrow it down to one thing, so I decided on the Pub Style Chicken and Mashed Potatoes.  I will be hosting a Dream Dinner giveaway on Family Friendly Cincinnati later this month and will be sure to let you know when it is live.  In the mean time, here is our menu for the week:

Turkey Burgers and Spinach Chicken Salad

Sauteed Chicken and Bacon Brussel Sprout Salad

Paleo Orange Chicken with Quinoa and Roasted Broccoli

Steak and Roasted Vegetables (broccoli and squash)

If you are stumped for a menu plan, check Organizing Junkie's Menu Plan Monday for hundreds of other menu plans. 

Happy menu planning!

1 comment:

  1. Sup Good Life!
    I'm glad I stopped by. Some of them recipes look killer. I'm going to send The Wife your link and have her take a look. We're on a massive trek away from eating out, and are always on the hunt for yummy new eats. Thanks for posting.

    The Cheeky Daddy
