Monday, February 18, 2013

Menu Plan Monday

Happy President's Day!  Here is a quickie menu plan for the week.  The Husband is off to the grocery gathering ingredients.  I'm doing laundry.  Not sure who got the better deal...

It's sunny today so we are firing up the grill!   
Turkey Burgers, Salad and Fruit
Parmesan Chicken Cutlets, Roasted Brussel Sprouts and Quinoa
Grilled Chicken, Mac & Cheese and Salad
Steak, Salad and Potatoes
Breakfast!  Eggs, Toast and Fruit

Make sure you check out Organizing Junkie's Menu Plan Monday for hundreds of other menu plans. 

Happy menu planning!

I got to attend a fabulous blogging conference this weekend!  Find out if I became a day drinker here.

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