Tuesday, October 30, 2012

The Most 'Un-Fun' Way Possible to Spend a Friday Afternoon

I love summer!  If you read my blog, you know how much I love the pool.  In fact, today I got the Thirty One rolling thermal tote that I will use all summer long!!!  Next summer.  Yes, I just got it today and I'm already dreaming of rolling it across the concrete to my poolside table.  I will fill it with sandwiches, fruit cups, juice boxes and other goodies (ie. beer and wine).  It will serve a useful purpose and also look super cute.  It is Mint Chip, in case you are wondering.  I am also a little bit of a bag whore...


I do love summer.  But, I love Fall as well.  So, as I mourn the passing of summer, I still get excited about the leaves changing color, the crisp bite in the air and all things hayride and pumpkin.  The other day the Third Grader sighed and said he also missed summer.  I was a little excited and thought "Awwww, he had such a great summer with me at the pool!  How sweet!"

Not the case.

He then went on to say "Fall only means one thing.  PAIN."



"Fall means I am getting a flu shot."

Oh yes, my boy.  You are correct.  You go to a hot bed of germs every day where little people constantly touch their noses, mouths and who knows what else and then offer you their pencil/eraser/half eaten twinkie.  We need every weapon in our arsenal.  I do not like to be sick and I do not like my kids to be sick. 

So, yes, you are getting a flu shot.

I heard about the pain of said flu shot for weeks.  Weeks!  Last Friday, we had a doctor appointment for another issue and I took all three kids.  Yes, I am crazy.  Actually, they did great.  Until I decided, hey, while we are all here, lets squeeze in a little flu shot action, shall we? 

The Third Grader went into hysterics and cried until the nurse brought in the four shots.  She held his hands while one nurse gave him the shot.  I am not joking when I tell you that he stopped crying as she raised the needle to his arm and administered the shot. 

"Huh, I didn't even feel that."

Well, well, well.  Thanks a lot buddy.  You stopped crying just in time...just in time to rile up Middle Child.  Once the band aid was stuck to the Third Grader's arm, Middle Child bolted for the door, broke out into a sprint and screamed all the way to the waiting room.


I had to chase him and carry him back to the exam room.


Of course, this did not help Baby Girl's confidence.  Those tears started as soon as Middle Child hit the door the first time.

At that point it all became a blurr and some how both of the younger two ended up with their shots.  I know I had to lay on top of one of them, do some arm holding and a lot of running.  Also, I promised several new toys.  And then there was a trip to Burger King. 

But, it is over.  Fall, the season of PAIN, has begun.  It can only be downhill from there, right?  As we left the doctor's office, in a teeny tiny voice, the Third Grader said...

"Oh no.  In another year we have to do that again!"

Trust me.  It hurts me worse than it hurts you.



  1. When the kids had to get two shots for the H1N1, we had to chase my girl around the cafeteria of the High School (where the shots were given). When we caught her, we had to wrestle her to the ground to give her the shot. Waited a few weeks and then repeated above steps. Good times. ;)

    1. Fantastic! Even better when they know what to expect! Next time I will wear my running shoes...
