Monday, October 15, 2012

Menu Plan Monday

We are always trying to keep our kids from seeing or hearing something inappropriate.  If they ride the bus, good luck with that.  We should probably give up now.  But, you'd think they are safe in your own car.  Not so, my friends.  Not so.  Today my friend Shannan at Mommy Bits shared this little tale...

This morning in the car as we headed to school, the radio was on and we were stopped briefly on Kiss 107. Before I could react, on comes the host to talk about JFK... and rumors he had a three way. I was horrified....

But thank goodness we live in Cincinnati because my child's response? "JFK liked 3-ways? I didn't know they had Skyline back then."

See how I try to start your week with a smile?  You are welcome!

Back to the menu.  We have lots of slow cooker items this week because I will be trying to stay sane working on Fall Festival for school.  If you can't find anything you like here, check out the Menu Plan Monday on Organizing Junkie for lots of other menu plans. 

Slow Cooker Mexican Chicken
Slow Cooker Beef Stroganoff (never made it last week!)
Girl Scout Stew and Grilled Cheese
Pizza at school!

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